Advanced Drawing & Design

Have you ever wondered what defines ‘great’ art?
What separates a hobby artist from a professional?…

In this Advanced Drawing & Design course we will attempt to answer those questions by travelling through an art history timeline discovering the design elements that are hardwired in humans.

Learn how to use the complex design systems that have been adopted by master artists for centuries.

We will model and render our subjects so that you can begin to formalise, stylise, and exaggerate in ways that represent you. Students will be guided through the process from start to finish.

‘Great’ art doesn’t happen by accident rather, by deliberate design.




Monday, Tuesday or Wednesdays





9:30-12:00pm or 2:00-4:30pm



$50.00 per class

$50.00 per class


Contact Us

If you would like to know more about this class please contact us by phone, email or send us a message and we will get back to you shortly.


Full balance of payment is required by the start of the class.